Tuesday 27 October 2009

I feel a project coming on

Last night I was getting some flashes of inspiration for a new zombie short film that I'd really like to do. While currently I do have a lot on my plate, both at work and with numerous other projects, I will endeavour to start the creation process at the very least.

I want more extreme zombie(s) this time, and something a bit more stark perhaps. And with winter on the way, now's a good time to start thinking about some glamourous filming locations. Needless to say, I'll keep you update.

Zombie's aren't just for Halloween.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Isolation of the mofozombie.... has arrived!!

I'm a thrilled to announce that the trailer for Isolation of the mofozombie is now complete and uploaded for your viewing pleasure.
It's taken longer than anticipated, but I'm very happy with the results and it's been a great learning experience too.
So without further a-do, here it is. For added spice hit the 'HQ' button on the bottom right of the player for added quality (this option becomes available once you start to play the youtube video). Enjoy....

Thursday 28 May 2009

Robots not in Disguise

Well, another (slow) progress report. With things being pretty hectic at work, I'm slowly but surely just about finding time to continue working on Isolation. I've spent the past few weeks working on this shot; a giant robot!! It may or may not all make sense in the end, but this was quite a late idea I had and I think it's going to work out nicely. Here's a sneak peek for you.

Friday 17 April 2009

Progress report

I'm pleased to say that work on my first foray into the world of zombie film-making is now well under-way. I've spent the past month learning my craft and early results have been very pleasing. In the very near future I hope to have enough material to publish a very sneaky preview.
So remember to stay safe and if you see any zombies, don't get bitten!

Friday 6 March 2009

Isolation of the Mofozombie

'You thought you were safe.... You thought the danger had passed.... you thought they'd all gone.... well, you thought wrong!'

Last year I was treated to seeing Grindhouse, the proper double-bill feature with the fake trailers tucked in the middle. When Edgar Wright's 'Don't' trailer hit my retinas, I just wanted to go out and make my own. And so here it is.... well, not quite yet but here's the announcement for it.
It's called 'Isolation of the Mofozombie' and features such characters as the mofozombie, the Egg-Whisk Assassin and the evil Z.O.B CEO Owen Baker (Z.O.B stands for Zombie Obliteration Board in case you were wondering). I've been working on this for the past six months, and it has a few more to go before it's finished, but to wet your appetites here's a screen grab.
More will follow very soon.

Friday 27 February 2009

Welcome to the world of mofozombie.com

Greetings to all the alive and living dead beings of this world. Here at mofozombie.com we believe in one thing and one thing only; Zombies are great, even greater if they're mofozombies.
Okay, that's the fun and frolics over with. The question on your lips should be 'what the heck is this all about then?'
Firstly, I shall explain where mofozombie comes from. The well spoken might not be aware what mofo stands for, but I'm sure you probably do. One evening when me and my Uncle were on holiday in Dorset, we sat up and watched one of those £1.99 cheap-o DVD films from the late Woolworths. It was called 48 Hours Later, obviously cashing-in on the recently released 28 Weeks Later, itself a sequel to 28 Days Later. Anyway, as you'd expect from a film that clearly had the budget of a Poundland shopper and the creative talent of Michael Bay's little finger, it was rubbish. But from it came the line of dialogue which made me and my Uncle smile, and even enjoy it, and that line of dialogue was of cause 'You Mother F**king Zombies!'
It has a certain ring to it I'm sure you'll agree. And so here is mofozombie.com, a blog that will be dedicate to all my mofozombie projects, one of which I hope will be published in the coming months.
So enjoy and don't forget, we can all be mofozombies if we just put our minds to it!